Training Course “New Challenges in Inclusion Approach” Craiova, Romania

Dear members and colleagues,
We are looking for participants for the Training Course “New challenges in inclusion approach”, in Craiova, Romania 15 – 23 November 2023.
If you are interested, please fill the application form through this link:
Deadline to apply: 28 September 2023
Location: Craiova, Romania
Duration: 15 – 23 November 2023
The project is designed to the understanding of new approaches in the field of inclusion of young people from disadvantaged backgrounds, by interested youth workers actively involved in the inclusion field. Youth workers are coming from 10 NGOs that are experienced in inclusion working. It is focused on creating a safe and creative space for participants to share and open up and to exchange ideas and experiences.
During the course the participants will gain useful competencies in working in inclusion projects.
Participants profile:
✔Aged over 18 years old
✔Working in an NGO of youth.
✔Fluent in English, both speaking and writing.
✔Motivated to take part in the project and showing involvement during all the stages of the project.
✔Able to disseminate the results of the TC in social media and through their work.
✔Having a Europass CV and a tailored motivation letter for our project, work and community.
✔Be open-minded, motivated and ready to share experience and good energy.
* Participants with few opportunities (unemployed, not in school, few financial possibility ties, cultural / religious/gender obstacles etc.) will have priority and a tailored support plan.
Organizational aspects:
★100% Accommodation.
★Three meals per day and two coffee breaks.
★Travel cost according to Erasmus+ distance calculator
★WIFI internet connection is available (however, might be a bit limited).