March 10, 2025

Labour Market Access for Youth YE – Craiova, Romania


Dear members and colleagues,
We are looking for Jordanian participants Holding an EU passport or residency or valid Schengen visa, aged between 18 – 21 years old for the youth exchange project (Labour market access for youth) under Erasmus+ program, Craiova – Romania.

Project duration: 23rd Sep. to 1st Oct. 2022 (9 Days).
Note: The participants should leave from Jordan, Amman airport.
If you are interested, please fill the application form through this link as soon as possible:

The project is designed for active youngsters and group leaders from 4 countries to empower European values, to promote social inclusion and the ways young people can access the labor market opportunities. It is focused on creating a safe and creative space for participants to share and open up and to exchange ideas and experiences.
Countries participating: Romania, Jordan, Moldova, Albania.

Organizational aspects:

  • Accommodation and food are fully covered.
  • Three meals per day and two coffee breaks.
  • Transportation will be reimbursed based on the travel distance band calculator.
  • WIFI internet connection is available (however, might be a bit limited).