“Labour Market Access for Youth” YE – Craiova, Romania

Dear members and colleagues,
We are looking for participants for the youth exchange project, that will be in Romania 22-30 Sep. 2022.
If you are interested, please fill the application form through this link:
Deadline to apply: 27 July 2022
Location: Craiova, Romania
Duration: 22 – 30 September 2022
The project is designed for active youngsters and group leaders from 4 countries to empower European values, to promote social inclusion and the ways young people can access the labor market opportunities. It is focused on creating a safe and creative space for participants to share and open up and to exchange ideas and experiences.
Countries participating: Romania, Jordan, Moldova, Albania.
Profile of the participant:
✔Aged 18-25 years old.
✔Working in an NGO of youth.
✔Fluent at a medium level in English, both speaking and writing.
✔Motivated to take part in the project and showing involvement during all the stages of the project.
✔Able to disseminate the results of the YE in social media and through their work.
✔Having a Europass CV and a tailored motivation letter for our project, work and community.
✔Be open-minded, motivated and ready to share experience and good energy.
✔Have a complete vaccination scheme with AstraZeneca, Moderna or Pfizer.
★ Priority:
➔ You never took part in an Erasmus+ project.
➔ YOUTH with few opportunities (unemployed, not in school, few financial possibility, cultural / religious/gender obstacles etc.) will have priority and a tailored support plan.
Organizational aspects:
★Accommodation and food are fully covered.
★Three meals per day and two coffee breaks.
★Transportation will be reimbursed based on the travel band distance calculator.
★WIFI internet connection is available (however, might be a bit limited).