March 10, 2025

He & She Different but Equal YE project, Baku

“He & She Different but Equal” Youth Exchange project, Baku, Azerbaijan 04 – 12 November 2019 … JORDANIANS ONLY

Deadline to apply: 04 October 2019
Location: Baku, Azerbaijan
Duration: 04 – 12 November 2019

If you are interested, please fill the application form through this link:

All too often, women and girls are discriminated against in health, education, political representation, labor market, etc.— with negative consequences for the development of their capabilities and their freedom of choice. In real terms, gender inequality is a major problem on local, national and global levels. Not only does it affect the lives of individual men and women, but the inequality between genders also stunts economic growth and hinders development.
Although, that many countries produced regulations intended to fight discrimination, when you look at the latest statistics, we’ve still got a long ways to go.
We believe that it is fundamental to have a societal transition towards an equal society, which we think is best to start from young people. In order to do this, youth organisations from 6 European countries with various gender discrimination issues (i.e. Norway, Lithuania, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Jordan) have united for this project. During it we seek to engage men and women to actively participate in initiatives against gender-based discrimination and violence, as well as
empower women to seek for equal rights in their lives.

To reach the key aim of the project mentioned above, the following objectives have been set:
– Help youth better understand different gender inequality problems in Europe (incl. Christian and Muslim communities, E+ program & partner countries);
– Share good practice examples and develop new initiatives to tackle gender inequality through youth organisations;
– Engage men more in promotion of gender equality;
– Promote gender equality and women participation in all aspects of society through education and training;
– Raise awareness about gender issues and women rights in Europe.
In general, with this project, we aim to take the good practices of tackling gender inequality from Norway and apply it to the countries that really need a change.

Profile of the participant:
★ participants age 18-30 years old.
★ Marginalized youth interested in gender equality.
★ Eager to learn, meet new cultures, face stereotypes and step out of the comfort zone.
★ Strongly motivated and available for the entire period of the project.
★ Willing to disseminate the results of the project.

★ Priority:
➔ You never took part in an Erasmus+/ Youth in Action project;
➔ You never went out of your country;

Organizational aspects:
★100 % Accommodation, rooms: classic log cabin with 6 beds and mini kitchen.
★Three meals per day and two coffee breaks.
★WIFI internet connection is available (however, might be a bit limited).