March 10, 2025

Green Future (Youth Exchange Project), Erasmus+ Ajloun, Jordan


“Green Future” Youth Exchange project under Erasmus Plus program, Ajloun – Jordan 2 – 11 November 2021
Deadline to apply: 8 Oct. 2021
Location: Ajloun – Jordan
Duration: 2 – 11 November 2021 (10 Days )

If you are interested, please fill the application form through this link:

Summary of the project:
This youth exchange “Green Future” will bring together 40 young people from 5 different countries: 3 from EU and 2 from non-EU from the Middle East region (Jordan, France, Estonia, Egypt, Poland).
The project aims to provide the participated young people an experimental and intercultural learning of what active citizenship (including environmental issues) & Solidarity (including among young people belonging to different backgrounds and cultures) and to promote education for environment.

Moreover, we want to make an important step towards internationalization experimental educational youth partner organizations and enhance the quality of youth work carried on in cooperation with partner institutions local stakeholders.

1) To promote a space for reflection & discussion about development and responsible practices towards the environment.
2) To contribute to build awareness for the environment and the adoption of responsible practices towards natural resource (as a part of education for active citizenship).
3) Provide time and space in order to form views on eco responsibility / eco-civic participation / eco- solidarity and change them in a friendly and inclusive way.
4) To explore the links between cultures represented in the project and thematic area of environmental protection.
5) Explore the ERASMUS+ program with a framework of active participation in society in general and the development of life skills in particular.

Profile of participants:
– Age between 18 – 30 years old.
– Fully vaccinated (2 doses) against Covid-19, All participants must have taken the 2 doses of the vaccine in their country and bring the vaccine certificate.
– Basic English level.
– Wiling to bring an added value to the project’s activities.
– Open to intercultural dialogue.
– Strong motivation to participate in the project and knowing other cultures.
– Young people who share the volunteering spirit and who come also to help their peers and the organizer.
– Active participation and behavior even when you are not in the best mood.
– Willing to disseminate the project’s outcomes.
– Fully commitment for the whole duration of the project (10 days + nights).
– Agrees on the code of conduct.

*Other aspects:
*Accommodation: 3 or 4 or 5 or 6 persons / room, some rooms has a private bathroom and some other rooms with a shared bathroom + Shared kitchen and other utilities.
*Catering: Three meals per day and two coffee breaks.
* WIFI internet connection is available (however, might be a bit limited).
* Youth-pass Certificate.