“Express Yourself” Youth Exchange Project

“Express Yourself” Youth Exchange project, Craiova, Romania 1st – 10th September 2017.
Deadline to apply: 13 July 2017 … JORDANIANS ONLY
Project aim: to raise awareness among youth about the importance of tolerance and involvement in eradicating any type of discrimination.
In the awake of a divided Europe, with a lot of problems regarding discrimination, we chose DANCE as a tool for promoting tolerance and acceptance of the others.
The daily activities will be divided in two sections: morning – practice of different type of sport and after-noon – workshops with the theme of tolerance and acceptance.
Profile of the participant:
– Aged 18 – 25 years old
– Interested in dance, is practicing a type of dance
– Basic English knowledge
DATES OF THE PROJECT: 01.09.2017 – 10.09.2017