March 10, 2025

EVS project “Red Bracelet 2” Craiova – Romania

Dear members and colleagues,
We are looking for 2 volunteers for European Voluntary Service “EVS” project under Erasmus Plus program, that will be in Romania 1st August 2018 for 3 months.
If you are interested please fill the application form.
Deadline to apply 06 June 2018 … Jordanians Only!

Profile of the participant:
Eligibility criteria:
● aged between 18 and 30 years;
● Resident in the sending states;
● never took part in another EVS mobility more than 2 months;
Specific criteria:
● motivated/interested in the theme of the project;
● Availability to actively participate in all the phases of the project (preparation, implementation, evaluation, follow-up);
● NEET youngster (not in education, employment or training) for at least 6 months) / low employment chances / no work experience or minimum one / financially or material dependent on their families;
● English level – to be able to communicate with people from the hosting community/hosting association/other volunteers;

The aim of the project is to answer the need of increasing the number of blood donors and to adopt an healthy life style, through volunteering activities that are including young people with fewer opportunities belonging to NEET category.

The needs addressed:
– of increasing the opportunities of getting a job for EVS volunteers – to Craiova’s community to stimulate the civic spirit of blood donors
– to the educational need of citizens toward an healthy lifestyle

The activities of the project:
Creating the Red Bracelet 2 Club – this club will represent an umbrella under which the activities will be taken, making sure that will be very visible in the community in order for the local
volunteers to continue it’s activity also after the project will finish, through the local volunteers that will be members
2. Blood donation campaigns – the volunteers will organize 2 campaigns / stage – 1 in Craiova and another one in other city
3. Activities inside the Blood Donation Center of Dolj County – the volunteers, divided in teams, will offer support in the daily activity of the center by keeping a good communication with
donor basically
4. Journalistic activities: writing articles, creating photo-video reportage, update the website of the project and the Facebook page, create info brochures regarding blood donation, launching monthly the E-Magazine that will offer information related with healthy lifestyle
5. Organizing public events in order to attract local volunteers and in order to send the message of the project in the local community