EVS Project “Kromatikon Upgraded (KU)” Craiova – Romania

Dear members and colleagues,
We are looking for 2 volunteers for European Voluntary Service “EVS” project under Erasmus Plus program, that will be in Romania 01.09.2019 – 30.01.2020 (5 months).
If you are interested please fill the application form.
Deadline to apply 3 June 2019 … Jordanians Only
Profile of the participant:
-Aged 18 to 30 years old.
-Have a medium English level, especially a good conversational level.
-Minimum high school graduate.
-Medically advised to work with children (a medical paper will be asked to be provided by each volunteer).
-Interested and motivated to develop the project activities.
-Committed to disseminate the project results.
-Priority to YNDI members.
Candidates with few opportunities, especially those fitting in people with limited social /intercultural / civic experiences (people who have not already participated in other types of mobility and / or have not traveled in -other country, people who have a reduced social life according to the needs mentioned below, people who have difficulty in group integration and teamwork, introvert people, with no leadership skills, people for whom good manners are a component of importance in life, etc.).
Aim of the project:
“KU” starts from the following problems that have been identified at the hosting community: most young people are selfish. Though smarter and more creative than those in previous generations, they are losing more and more interest in an outdated education system that is no longer anchored in the reality they live in. In this context, they become devoid of interest, equating any form of learning with useless school, and in the absence of passions, they rely to “social media models”.
So our aim is to tacked this problem, mainly by coming with a set of activities that will shift the idea of passive learning into pro-active learning. We intend to start a change in local youth, by empower them with tools to organize and develop their own style of learning.
Objectives of the project:
1. Develop the social / civic and intercultural competencies necessary for a more dynamic / more active lifestyle.
2. Open to adopting, as appropriate, good manners and volunteering in their own lifestyle.
Learning goals:
EVS is a learning opportunity, so we have set for each volunteer a set of learning competences to be achieved.
-Interpersonal, intercultural and social competences
-Civic competences
-Cultural understanding and manifestation
-Basic communication level in English and Romanian languages
-Basic journalistic skills
-Digital competences
A personal learning plan will be set by each volunteer at arrival in the host community, with the guidance of the mentor. At the end of the stage this learning plan will be assessed and translated in the Youth-Pass certificate.