March 10, 2025

“EVS Be Fit 4” Craiova – Romania

Dear members and colleagues,
We are looking for 3 volunteers for European Voluntary Service “EVS” project under Erasmus Plus program, that will be in Romania 5th of February 2019 for 3 months.
If you are interested please fill the application form.
Deadline to apply 20 November 2018 … Jordanians Only

Profile of the participant:
Eligibility criteria:
● aged between 18 and 30 years;
● Resident in the sending states;
● never took part in another EVS mobility more than 2 months;
Specific criteria:
● motivated/interested in the theme of the project;
● Availability to actively participate in all the phases of the project (preparation, implementation, evaluation, follow-up);
● NEET youngster (not in education, employment or training) for at least 10 months) / low employment chances / no work experience or minimum one / financially or material dependent on their families;
● English level – to be able to communicate with people from the hosting community/hosting association/other volunteers;

The purpose of the project: promoting social inclusion through sport in the partner communities;

Activities of the project – fourth stage
1. Sport activities and promoting inclusion through sport
The purpose of these activities is to promote among youngsters the importance/necessity of physical movement and behaviors that have a positive impact on your body and mind. Also, the activities aim to encourage social acceptance and integration of the stigmatized youngsters from the Detention Center.
Furthermore, the sport activities will also include team competitions and will combine inclusion methods such as: role playing “Step in my shoes”, interviews, Theater Forum etc.

2. Public awareness/dissemination events
The purpose of this activity is to present the results of the project, especially to disseminate the good practices.
Moreover, we want to offer the chance to all the youngsters involved in the project to share their experience and to interact with the community.
In a general level, we aim to ensure the visibility of the volunteering idea in the community.

3. Preparation time for the activities
The EVS volunteers will have the time to choose and to prepare the activities, according to the needs of the target group. In this way, we will ensure the quality of the activities implemented or even to adapt them accordingly, during the project.
Furthermore, during the stage the group of volunteers will use Google Calendar to manage their time in a productive way.

4. Support sessions
The volunteers will benefit of a series of sessions, such as: the weekly organizational meeting, Romanian language support, mentorship sessions, video editing, working with stigmatized persons session, non-formal education training etc.
The activities agenda was created to facilitate the integration of the volunteers on the labor market after the EVS project/to access a higher education system.

EVS schedule draft
* There will be a weekly socializing and integration in the community activity/event: going to the opera, going to the movie, meetings with the local volunteers etc.
** For the events that will take place during weekends (usually Saturdays) the volunteers will have Monday as a free day in compensation.
*** The detailed and final schedule will be provided after discussions with all the partners and selected volunteers.