Connecting Cultures Building Friendship

“CONNECTING CULTURES & BUILDING FRIENDSHIP (CC & BF)” Youth Exchange project, Craiova, Romania 14 – 29 July 2018.
Deadline to apply: 10 April 2018 … JORDANIANS ONLY
Location: Craiova – Romania
Duration: 14 – 29 July 2018
The purpose of the project is to familiarize the participants with the idea of active citizenship, through non formal methods and experimental leaning. The project will also contribute to the consolidation of the international cooperation, developed together with each of the partners involved in the project, as well as with the local stakeholders.
Topics: combating discrimination and promoting diversity/friendship;
➔ Developing a frame for reflexion and debates concerning responsible practices in the society in area such as: combating discrimination and promoting diversity/friendship;
➔ Creating a common conscience of the society, sharing opinions and building a friendly/inclusive environment;
➔ Exploring the connections between the cultures involved in the project and the theme of the project;
➔ Familiarization with the key concepts of Erasmus+ program;
Profile of the participant
★ The target group should be aged from 18 to 26 years old.
★ resident in the sending states
★ Strongly motivated and available for the entire period of the project;
★ Willing to disseminate the results of the project, after the closing of the stage they are taking part in;
★ Priority:
➔ You never took part in an Erasmus+/ Youth in Action project;
➔ You never went out of your country;
➔ YNDI Members
Activities of the project:
★ Exploring the concepts of “discrimination” and “positive discrimination”
★ Promoting diversity and friendship through non formal education
★ Exploring the concept of “Unity in diversity”
★ Cultural activities indoor/outdoor
★ Promoting active citizenship through volunteering
★ Public actions and events
Organizational aspects
★ Accommodation and 3 meals/day are fully covered; the participants will be
hosted in a students dorm with a medium comfort. Each room will have 2-4 beds.
The bathroom will be common for the entire floor.
★ Free wireless internet at the accommodation place;
★ Air conditioning is not available.
★ Activities materials are fully covered;