March 10, 2025

Wasan, in a long-term volunteering project with YNDI

One more monthly report and this journey is over. Last month we worked on the Rroma museum and it was one of my favorites because we started working on it right after the Christmas holiday so we were recharged and with full energy.

I collaborated with Ataota this time, we did the workshop at the school with the students together, it was about dance and we documented the process by doing a small video which the students enjoyed doing.
For my personal final product, I did a collage artwork, it was a mix of painting and photographs, and fabric. I really enjoyed doing it and I like the result. I also filmed with Ataota her personal video, we were filming in an abandoned house with no windows or doors and I still remember how cold it was that day.

Then after the final exhibition, we moved on to our last topic in this project which is the Jewish museum. It’s a really sensitive topic to work on and also we are working with a special needs school, so the challenge is bigger this time, but it going okay.

I feel like in every monthly report I mention how fast time flies by, but really, it does! All I can do is enjoy these very last moments of being here in Romania and maybe finally say some goodbyes to the cold!

Wasan Abusummaqah is from Jordan and she is doing a long-term volunteering project in our organisation, under Arts Lab 4.0, a project funded by the European Solidarity Corps, a programme of the European Union.