Strategic Planning: Step by Step Training Course

YNDI Participation in Strategic planning: step by step training course 1-10 April 2022 | Zadar, Croatia, Organized and implemented by Carousel8.
As a part of YNDI participation in Erasmus+ training courses our representative, Laith Khatatbeh, a former EVS volunteer, who has participated in Strategic planning step by step organized by CAROUSEL8, tells us about his participation and personal impact:
Personal impact: I’m gladly happy that I took part in this training that focused on enriching knowledge and cultural diversity and bringing people and youth workers together. The Experience was a real thrill and Joy.
About the training: participated by 24 young people from different rich cultural backgrounds, with open-minded personalities and perspectives. during the training, we have explored new aspects and analyses needed for strategic planning such as stakeholders’ analysis, SWOT analysis, Portfolio analysis, PESTLE analysis, and Prioritisation.
The atmosphere of the training was full of energy, creativity, passion, and knowledge. The training took a place in Zadar Croatia under the supervision of experienced trainers, Antonia, Armin, and Nedim who knew how to mix non-formal learning tools and activities to guarantee maximum learning and knowledge participation between us. Irena has helped us in all matters of logistics.
Feelings and learned lessons: Taking a chance to be a part of this training was a real experience in both theory and practice. especially when I had the chance to explore new perspectives about the topic, and to use my creative side to present my thoughts. The cultural night was a real festival under diverse participation filled with laughs, joy, cultural learning, and music. I’m thankful for this great time I spent with all the participants and trainers, it left a positive impact on me.
Objectives of the training course:
– To enhance cooperation between youth workers and organizations.
– To improve local and international teamwork by getting to know stages of group development and how to communicate in an assertive and effective way.
– To share info about our organizations, their visions, missions and values.
– To get to know the importance of Strategic planning process and how and why it can benefit our organizations.
– To provide youth workers with practical tools of Strategic planning which they will be able to use in the future and which will contribute to their professional development and also to organizations’ development.
– To explore Erasmus+ programme as a tool that can help to achieve objectives of our Strategic planning.
– To reflect on the experience of the learning process using the Youthpass certificate and frame of 8 key competences.