Experiential Workshops at Spin

Experiential Workshops at Spin
If you want to feel hope, do what gives you hope – This is the motto of the “Esperança Activa”, the experiential workshops that took place at Spin in the month of November, 2023. The main aim was developing confidence to respond to the crises of our time, with resilience and creativity, from a perspective that releases and strengthens enthusiasm for life.
The workshops focused on aspects of personal development and encouraged participants to identify their goals, dreams and values. Through a variety of interactive tasks and group discussions, participants gained the tools necessary to effectively build their best version of themselves.
”During these four amazing weeks of workshops, we explored a variety of techniques and practices that helped us see the world from a perspective of gratitude, even in the face of challenges and difficulties. Meditation exercises, gratitude journaling and reflection on everyday experiences were an integral part of the workshops. It was an amazing experience and I’m glad I could take part in it” – feedback by one of the participants.
We are very grateful for the opportunity given to us by Círculo do Ser: to Cristina and Juan for the amazing workshop!
Se queres ter esperança, faz o que te dá esperança – Este é o lema de “Esperança Ativa”, os workshops experienciais que decorreram na Spin no mês de Novembro de 2023. O principal objectivo foi desenvolver a confiança dos participantes para responder às crises do nosso tempo, com resiliência e criatividade, numa perspectiva que liberte e fortaleça o entusiasmo pela vida.
As oficinas focaram aspetos de desenvolvimento pessoal e incentivaram os participantes a identificar os seus objetivos, sonhos e valores. Através de uma variedade de atividades interativas e discussões em grupo, os participantes ganharam as ferramentas necessárias para construir efetivamente a melhor versão de si mesmos.
Estamos muito gratos pela oportunidade que nos foi dada pelo Circulo do Ser: à Cristina e ao Juan pelo incrível workshop!