March 10, 2025

Democracy Impact LAB in EuroMED phase I Training Course

“Democracy Impact LAB in EuroMED” phase I, Training Course project under Erasmus Plus program, Reggio Calabria – Italy, 20th to 26th July 2022
Deadline to apply: 14 June 2022
Location: Reggio Calabria – Italy
Duration: 20th to 26th July 2022 (6 Days )

If you are interested, please fill the application form through this link:

Project’s Objectives:
The Erasmus+ double Training Course “Demorcacy Impact LAB in EuroMED – YDA LAB” aims to:
– Support the development of democratic principles, in particular freedom, equality between men and women, quality education, and respect for economic and social rights in the EuroMed framework;
– Understand and frame the situation and history of democracy in the EuroMed area
– Reflect about the diverse concepts of democracy in EuroMed;
– Analyse the EuroMed panorama on current democracy improvements;
– Stimulate the reflection about the EuroMed issues and specifically about democracy, human rights and participation;
– Strategize and apply joint actions, including monitoring, documentation, solidarity and advocacy in EuroMed:
– Shape a set of actions to multiply democracy building and support its qualitative development;
– Influence the EuroMed civil society by provoking a reflection;
– Engage into a theory of change and implement actions aimed at stimulating local/EuroMed reactions;
– Reinforce the ties of EuroMed cooperation and joint mission;
– Spread the importance of the Erasmus+ Programme by promoting mobility projects and connecting EuroMed shores.

Participants profile:
– Aged 18+years old
– Being committed for the dissemination of results and production of materials + being interested to the 2nd phase
– Take part to the entire project duration
– Holding the Green Digital Passport is a must
– Participate and include the others while offering experiences and knowledge to each other
– Respect Covid19 preventive rules and procedures
– Am advanced English for optimal communication
– Contribute to the good development of the EuroMED project
– Interested in the topic.
– Eager to learn, meet new cultures and step out of the comfort zone.
– Strongly motivated.
– Be part of the Training Course with a big smile and sense of responsibility at the same time

Organizational aspects:
★100 % Accommodation.
★Three meals per day and two coffee breaks.
★WIFI internet connection is available (however, might be a bit limited).