February 2, 2025

Our ESC Volunteer Nasser in Arzeliers village, France

Our ESC Volunteer Nasser in Arzeliers village, France

Our ESC Volunteer Nasser in Arzeliers village, France

Hello there, I’m Nasser, a young person from Jordan. I recently had the opportunity to take part in a workcamp with YNDI as my sending organization and Solidarités Jeunesses as my host, which is an association dedicated to non-formal education. The project lasted two weeks, from September 16th to October 1st, 2023.

Our mission was to contribute to the ongoing restoration efforts in the village of Arzeliers which are going on since 2013, located in the Alpes de Haute Provence. This village, which dates back to medieval times, had been uninhabited for centuries. Our workcamp was guided by a skilled professional with expertise in ancient masonry.

مرحبا، انا ناصر، من الاردن. تشرفت بالمشاركة بمخيم عمل بفضل جهود YNDI كمنظمة مرسلة و Solidarités Jeunesses كمنظمة مستضيفة، وهي منظمة مختصة بالتعليم الغير الرسمي.
استمر المشروع لمدة أسبوعين. كانت مهمتنا المساهمة في ترميم قرية Arzeliers المستمره منذ عام 2013، والتي تقع في منطقة جبال الالب الفرنسية. تعود هذه القرية المهجورة للعصور الوسطى، كان المخيم تحت إشراف مختص بالأبنية القديمة.